- Shetland wool

Aister 'oo' Sheep & Yarn
Our Shetland Sheep are gorgeous (we are biased, we know!) The natural colours of their fleece is so beautiful and once they are sheared in June/July, their fleece will make up these beautiful, natural, Lambswool colours of Aister ‘oo’. Some of the white fleece is also dyed to make the beautiful colours of yarn too.

Scottish Wool Producers Showcase - Saturday 2nd April 2022 - Perth, Scotland
Although unable to join them in-person at the Showcase on 2 April 2022 we will have a selection of our products from Aister 'oo' available to purchase. Get your tickets from our website: #ScottishWoolProducersShowcase #perthcityofcraft

Aister 'oo' goes to Edinburgh!
Ginger Twist Studio - now stocking Aister 'oo'!